Cops, Courts and Fire

Police Log: Intoxicated Subject Falls On Step, Craigslist Scam & More

The following was provided courtesy of the Newtown Township Police Department.

Newtown Township

A Newtown Township police car.

A Newtown Township police car.

March 17


A resident of Wrightstown Township called police around 10:30 a.m. to report that he was the victim of fraudulent activity.  The victim went on to explain that he had been notified that some of his email information on his credit card account had been changed.   The man was later notified that his home phone number had been forwarded to a different phone number; he also learned that someone was attempting to make a purchase of $13,000, but the transaction was denied by the credit card company.  The fraudulent information was corrected and the victim will receive a new credit card.


Police received a phone call shortly before noon from a Newtown Township resident who reported that she had listed an item on Craigslist for sale for $500.  She told the officer that she received a check from an individual sent via PayPal for $1,200 with instructions to go to Western Union to wire the sender the $700 difference.  The resident didn’t have any interaction with the sender but did contact PayPal and they were going to flag that account.

Intoxicated Subject

Around 5:40 p.m., police were dispatched to South Sycamore Street for a report of an intoxicated male.  Upon arrival officers identified the subject as 61 year-old Charles Kinsing of Philadelphia.  A witness told the officers that Kinsing had tripped on a cement step and hit his head.  The Newtown Rescue Squad was dispatched and arrived on scene and transported Kinsing to the hospital.  Kinsing will receive a citation in the mail charging him with public intoxication.

March 19


Shortly after 2 a.m., an officer initiated a traffic stop on the Newtown Bypass near Langhorne-Newtown Road after observing the driver commit multiple traffic violations.  When the officer made contact with the operator she was identified as, 30 year-old Jennifer Godfrey of Philadelphia. While speaking with Godfrey, police detected a moderate odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from her.  After a brief investigation, police formed the opinion that Godfrey was operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and incapable of safe driving. She was taken into custody and transported to St. Mary Medical Center in Middletown to have blood drawn for testing and it will be submitted to NMS Labs for analysis.  Charges of DUI are pending the results.

March 20


At approximately 1:20 a.m., police attempted to initiate a traffic stop on the Newtown Bypass near Buck Road after observing a vehicle being operated in an unsafe manner.  The driver eventually came to an abrupt stop in the right turn lane just before Summit Trace Road.  The operator was identified as, 29 year-old James Breeden of Washington Crossing. While speaking with Breenden, the officer detected a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage and formed the opinion that Breeden was operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and incapable of safe driving.  He was taken into custody and transported to St. Mary Medical Center in Middletown for a blood draw that will be submitted to NMS Labs for analysis.  Charges of DUI are pending the lab results.

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