State Rep. Steve Santarsiero
Credit: Tom Sofield/NewtownPANow.com
For Democratic candidate for Congress State Rep. Steve Santarsiero, making the move to congressman is an integral part of serving his community.
“I was just looking at the local landscape and realized there’s so much we need to do, both in Washington and at home,” he said.
The former New York City-area attorney, who claims a 100 percent approval rating by Planned Parenthood, is fairly progressive with his stance towards women’s health, saying that women’s health issues need to be between that woman and her doctor. “We need to allow Planned Parenthood to continue to do their work,” he said. “I would argue that those who fight against Planned Parenthood have probably never been to one.”
The current state representative from Lower Makefield noted that while a disconnect between congress and low income women may be the reason so many have voted to defund the program, many more may be ignorant to the fact that it provides numerous other health advantages besides the controversial issue of abortion. “It has been a hot issue in the house,” said Santarsiero. “But it’s important that we continue to fight.”
Regarding the economy and boosting local employment, Santarsiero says it’s a two part process. “As a former teacher, I understand the importance of making our education system stronger,” he said. Santarsiero told LevittownNow.com that he believes strengthening education, including a state-funded pre-K program, paired with bringing investment dollars to the area will help boost the district. “We need to work hard to bring investment dollars to the area, especially for green energy projects,” he said. “We are a major transportation hub, we have a lot going for us.”
Regarding the Pre-K for PA inititaive, the former teacher with the Bensalem School District said he has long supported the program. “The earlier we invest in early childhood education, the more money we save in the long run,” he said.
While Santarsiero may be pro-manufacturing jobs for the eighth district, he isn’t in support of the proposed and controversial Falls Township hazardous waste project. Noting that approving a project like Elcon, would mean the area would be ‘settling’ for far less than what it’s capable of. “I’m opposed to it, mainly because of its location being far too close to the Delaware River and in danger of harming the drinking water for 15 million people. It’s just not a good fit for that site,” he said. “We need to market that property better and bring good manufacturing jobs back to the old steel site.”
On the recent passing of medical marijuana in the commonwealth, Santarsiero rejoiced. “I supported it and voted for it,” he told LevittownNow.com. “It’s a no brainer and we should have done it years ago.”
Santarsiero received praise last November when he joined State Rep. Tina Davis and Bristol Township Council Vice President Amber Longhitano in advocating for a moratorium on recovery homes. Speaking with Santarsiero months later, he said he hasn’t changed his mind.
“We all support successful recovery and those affected going on to lead normal, productive lives, but these homes operate with very little regulation. While the goals of some of them is to help, some evidence suggests the opposite. No one community should have to bear the disproportionate burden that Bristol has. A moratorium would just give the town a little breathing room,” he said. “It is a balancing act; no one should be discriminated against but there’s been very little recovery and it has become a serious burden to the community.”
For Santarsiero, win or lose this Tuesday, his greatest pride comes in being a father. Santarsiero told NewtownPANow.com that having children has helped engrained him in the community and helped him see the challenges that people face day to day. “It’s a great reminder of why service is important,” he said. “I’m blessed to have three kids and a great life and I’m excited for the opportunity to serve in Congress.”