
Newtown Township Joins Fight Against Planned Liquid Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility

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Representatives from the Clean Air and Water Council (CAWC) spoke with Newtown Township officials Wednesday in an attempt to garner support in their fight against Elcon, the proposed liquid hazardous waste treatment facility in Falls Township.

The presentation by CAWC and their supporters was an effort to directly coorelate the Falls Township proposed site with it’s neighboring towns, noting how much of an impact a site of its type and magnitude could have on those outside the lines of the town it’s proposed in.

“The winds don’t care about the jurisdiction of limits of a municipality’s planning code,” said CAWC Attorney Brad Lare.

Former New Jersey Governor James Florio also joined representatives from CAWC at the meeting in Newtown on Wednesday. Florio, who served as the state’s governor from 1990 to 1994, has been a long supporter of groups fighting aganist Elcon, noting the site’s proximity to the Delaware River and to the town of Bordentown, New Jersey.

“These are complicated issues,” said Florio. “I just urge you all to be very vigilant in this process. I’m hopeful that enough citizen organizations will become involved to bring it to the attention of the approporaite regulatory authoritieis that this is not even the right site. It’s literally yards away from the Delaware River.”

CAWC provided those in attendance at the meeting with an article regarding the Philadelphia Water Department’s warning of the site’s location and with a small list of the proposed 596 chemicals looking to be processed if the site comes to fruition.

“We are concerned about the safety of millions of people,” said Patricia McCarron of CAWC. “This doesn’t just concern Falls Township, but the whole Delaware Valley.”

The group’s attorney had drafted a resolution for the township Wednesday night, hoping that the municipality will join in protesting the facility in neighborhoring Falls.

“This is not just a Falls Township issue,” said Newtown Township Board of Supervisors Secretary Michael Gallagher. “This is a different situation than most where we should weigh in on another municipalities decision.”

The township solicitor recommended that the board work in conjunction with the CAWC as well as adjoining groups to draft a resolution in the township’s format. That resolution will be approved at the township’s next scheduled meeting on May 11.

“I don’t want to sleep on this,” said Gallagher. “I want to put our position out there as soon as possible.”

About the author

Amanda Burg

Amanda Burg, born and raised in Levittown, has covered news in her hometown since the start of Levittown Now, back in 2013. Amanda previously served as a contributor for The Bucks County Courier Times and as an award-winning editor for The Playwickian, the student newspaper of Neshaminy High School. Email: