Elections Government Neighbors

Local DNC Delegates Prepare To Head To Philly


As the Democratic National Convention rolls into Philadelphia this week, LevittownNow.com spoke with a few of the Eighth District’s Democratic delegates heading to the festivities where Hillary Clinton is expected to be officially nominated as the Democratic candidate for president.

John Cordisco

Credit: John Cordisco's Facebook Page

Credit: John Cordisco

John Cordisco is the head of the Bucks County Democrats and is originally from Bristol Borough. Cordisco, an attorney with two offices in Lower Bucks County, is a delegate for Hillary Clinton at the convention. Cordisco is representing Clinton due to her experience in leadership and what he knows of her on a personal level. According to Cordisco, he knows Clinton as a person and has faith in her to lead the country.

“I expect us to come out of the convention united and energized. It should be interesting going forward,” Cordisco said, referencing the amount of ground work already being put forth by Clinton volunteers in important states.

This is Cordisco’s first time as a delegate.

Kathy Brookvar

Credit: Kathy Brookvar

Credit: Kathy Brookvar

Kathy Brookvar, a resident of Doylestown, unsuccessfully ran for congress a number of years ago and is supporting Hillary Clinton at the convention.

Citing Clinton’s resume and law career, Brookvar mentioned just how qualified she believes Clinton is for the job of president. “I think that Hillary Clinton is one of, if not the most qualified, candidates we have ever had,” Brookvar said.

“My hope is that we come together for the convention in Philadelphia,” Brookvar said. Continuing to emphasis teamwork, Brookvar indicated that progress can indeed be made if the whole effort pulls in the same direction. “I think that the American people are sick of the chaotic division that has been part of our electoral process,” Brookvar said.

Like Clinton, Brookvar knows what it is like to being in a heated campaign for public office. During her 2012 run for congress, Brookvar took hits when the national Republican party created a website calling her “Radical Kathy.” The website and robo-calls linked her to extreme liberal movements like Occupy Wall Street and convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal.

This is Brookvar’s first time as a delegate.

Anna Payne

Credit: Anna Payne

Credit: Anna Payne

Anna Payne is from the Levittown section of Middletown and is supporting Senator Bernie Sanders at the convention. Payne is a pledged delegate to Sanders, and will be voting for him when the time comes for a roll call vote on the floor of the convention.

“I’m very excited. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity this will most definitely be a historic convention. This whole election will go down in history. I’m just excited to see how everything works and hear what our plan going forward will be as Bernie Delegates. I’m also so excited to see Bernie. I’m excited to make my foot print in history and hope to help shape the future. This is like a dream come true for me,” Payne said in an email.

Sanders has already endorsed Hillary Clinton. As a Sanders supporter, Payne said: “Well he only endorsed her, he didn’t concede. He also did not release the delegates to her. So there will still be a roll call vote and I will still be able to cast my vote on the floor for the Senator, and that is so exciting for me.  I understand why he endorsed her and I have no hard feelings about that,” in an email.

This is Payne’s first time as a delegate.

Tina Davis Charles Pennacchio
Kathryn Boockvar Anna Payne
John Cordisco Patricia Mertens Boyle
John Galloway
Jennifer Murphy

About the author

Erich Martin

Erich Martin attended Bucks County Community College for two years where he was the Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Centurion, the college newspaper. Erich is currently attending Temple University in order to complete his degree in Journalism. Erich was recognized at the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Foundation's Keystone Press Awards in 2014 for general news. In downtime, Erich enjoys spending time with friends and family. Aside from spending time with family and reporting news, Erich loves getting engrossed in a great game, book, or movie.