After nearly two days of confusion and rumors, the status of the Bucks County courts system became clear late Tuesday afternoon.
Around 3 p.m., NewtownPANow.com learned that Bucks County President Judge Wallace Bateman had signed emergency orders for “temporary restrictions” on court operations. Sources inside the county court system confirmed the order.
The order comes a day after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court authorized county president judges to declare judicial emergencies by order if needed.
“In light of these developments, and to protect public health, reduce the size of public gatherings, and reduce unnecessary travel within this county, while allowing the Court to continue to continue to perform its constitutional duties, the Court issues the following Order, effective immediately,” Bateman said in his order.
Below are the stipulations for Common Pleas court in Doylestown:
1. All time calculations for the purposes of time computation relevant to court cases or other judicial business, as well as time deadlines are suspended, subject to constitutional restrictions.
2. Use of advanced communication technology to conduct court proceedings is authorized, subject to constitutional limitations.
3. The Bucks County Court of Common Pleas will remain open in a limited capacity subject to the following limitations.
4. All Grand Jury as well as all jury and non-jury trials, both criminal and civil are suspended and will be rescheduled at a later date. Jurors shall not report for jury duty.
5. All matters scheduled on the criminal and civil trial lists and miscellaneous lists including but not limited to arraignments and pretrial hearings (conferences) are cancelled pending further notice from the Court.
6. Orphans’ Court, Family Court, Non-Support and Family Masters matters will be continued and re-scheduled at a later date.
7. Sheriff sales scheduled for the month of April are postponed and the issuance and enforcement of writs of possession are suspended.
8. The Court will continue to handle Protection from Abuse (PFA) and PFA Contempt matters.
9. The Court will continue to handle bail matters, bench warrants and emergency criminal matters by a designated criminal judge.
10. The Court will be available to handle civil and Orphans’ Court emergency matters which must be filed in person. Such emergencies shall include health and medical emergencies, public safety and emergency guardianship appointments.
11. Juvenile Detention hearings and Shelter Care hearings held pursuant to 42 pa.CSA Section 6332 will be held by the court as required under the law.
12. All hearings under the Mental Health Act held outside the Justice Center shall continue as scheduled.
13. Temporary restrictions on the operations of the Magisterial District Courts of the Seventh Judicial District are addressed in a separate emergency order.
14. All mass public gatherings, other than court proceedings, are SUSPENDED at the Bucks County Justice Center at 100 North Main Street, Doylestown, Pennsylvania. This includes, but is not limited to, group tours and visits, mbot courts and mock trials, bar group meetings and seminars.
15. This Order will expire on April 14, 2020,unless extended by further Court order.
Below are the stipulations for District Courts:
Court Facilities Remain Open
All Magisterial District Court offices will continue to operate subject to the precautions and restrictions described herein.
Acceptance of Payments for Fines, costs or other Fees
The Magisterial District Judge may in her or his discretion refuse to accept in-person payments of fines, costs or other case fees. In such cases, payments may be made online using a credit or debit card or by mail using check or money order.
Criminal Hearings
All Preliminary hearings in criminal cases shall be generally continued to a date on or after April 14,2020.
Per Order from the President Judge, the operation of Rule 600 of Criminal procedure shall be suspended from March 17 ,2020 to April 14,2020.
Bail decisions should also weigh heavily the current threat posed by COVID-19.
Posting of Bail
Bail shall be accepted by any Magisterial District Court office. Bail may be posted in cash or by any other method authorized by rule.
Traffic and Non-Traffic Offense Hearings
All hearings concerning Traffic and Non-Traffic offenses shall be continued to a date on or after April 14, 2020.
No Form DL-38 or any other form having the effect of suspending driving privileges, arrests warrants or bench warrants shall be i sued in such cases.
Civil Action Hearings
All civil action hearings shall be continued to a date on or after April 14, 2020.
Landlord-Tenant (Actions for Possession of Real property) Hearings
All Landlord Tenant action hearings shall be continued to a date on or after April 14, 2020.
Requests for Orders of Possession resulting from judgements entered in Landlord-Tenant Actions may be filed. However, any execution on an Order Possession is stayed to a date
on or after April 14, 2020, effective immediately.
This Order will expire on April 14,2020 unless extended by further Court Order.