PennDOT closed the Centre Avenue bridge over the Newtown Creek Monday as part of a rehabilitation project.
Starting on Monday, Dec. 30, and continuing through Friday, Jan. 17, Centre Avenue and the bridge will be closed between Sycamore Street and State Street in Newtown Borough.
Due to the closure, motorists will be detoured to use Sycamore Street, Washington Avenue, and State Street.
The closure is for the final stage of the project, which will involve replacing the pedestrian walkway.
PennDOT officials said local access will be maintained up to the closed bridge.
Drivers have been advised to give extra time because of traffic impacts.
Due to a crash earlier this year, PennDOT hired a contractor to carry out historically accurate masonry repair to the bridge that dates back to 1796.
The Centre Avenue bridge over Newtown Creek carries approximately 4,254 vehicles each day, according to PennDOT.

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