
Blizzard Eats Up Most Of Newtown Borough’s Snow Removal Budget

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The January 2016 blizzard caused Newtown Borough to spend the majority of their snow removal budget.

The storm that dumped about two feet of snow on Newtown cost the borough $190,000 out of its $250,000 snow removal budget, officials said at last week’s Borough Council meeting. A remaining $60,000 will be in place to deal with any further winter weather events that could impact this season and the backend of 2016.

Borough snow crews, unlike the township, are often constrained as to where to place the snow due to the smaller streets in the center of town.

Council members mentioned the efforts put forth by cleanup crews during the blizzard.

About the author

Ingrid Sofield

Ingrid grew up in Bucks County and is a small business owner for many years with her background in business and marketing. She enjoys interacting with the people and business owners of the communities we cover. Her belief is that small business is the backbone of the community. Ingrid keeps active and enjoys traveling, walking the many trails within our county parks, volunteers her time with an animal rescue, a therapeutic riding facility, in addition to caring for her own pets which include dogs, cats, and hens.

She can be reached at