This month, communities across the country celebrated their local farmers markets during National Farmers Market Week and National Peach Month throughout August.
In celebration of National Peach Month, we’re sharing a slice of our Happy Harvest through this recipe and cooking demonstration by Governor’s Residence Executive Chef Barry Crumlich.
Purchasing these beautiful products from our farmers is better for Pennsylvania’s farmland, the farmer, the environment and our local economy. Wow, that’s one powerful peach. Now more than ever, farmers markets serve as anchors across American communities, positively influencing community health and wealth. Here in Pennsylvania, markets result in more viable regional economies and local farm businesses, increased access to fresh, nutritious food, and stronger social networks that help keep communities healthy.
Happy Harvest, Pennsylvania – and keep on eating local!
For a complete list of PA Preferred businesses or to locate the farms and markets closest to you, please visit and stay tuned for more opportunities to celebrate local food during PA Preferred Month in September!