
Pizzeria Holds Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Celebrating Move

Credit: Erich Martin/

Credit: Erich Martin/

Meglio Pizzeria held an official ribbon cutting ceremony Saturday to commemorate its recent move.

In June, the longtime pizza staple made a move to the new location at 3 North Sycamore Street from their previous location in a shopping center up the street on Swamp Road. The new space has outdoor seating and a better parking lot and although it is only a little bit bigger than the last space, according to owners Bill and Bob Delia.

Meglio was at its last location in Newtown for 21 years. For the last five, the owners have been looking for a change.

One of the biggest changes from the old space to the new 3,000-square-foot space is the outdoor dining option.

“It’s turned out to be very popular and very in demand,” said Bob Delia.

“We just look to keep growing,” said Bill Delia.

Saturday’s ribbon cutting was attended by members of the Newtown Business Association and local elected officials from Newtown borough and township.

The official opening of the business is coinciding with the annual fundraiser that Meglio holds. Each year in memory of Bill Delia’s late wife Suzy, a breast cancer awareness fundraiser is held. Meglio sells shirts, has raffles, and donates a percentage of all sales in October to breast cancer research. In its sixth year, the fundraiser has so far raised $60,000.

About the author

Erich Martin

Erich Martin attended Bucks County Community College for two years where he was the Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Centurion, the college newspaper. Erich is currently attending Temple University in order to complete his degree in Journalism. Erich was recognized at the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Foundation's Keystone Press Awards in 2014 for general news. In downtime, Erich enjoys spending time with friends and family. Aside from spending time with family and reporting news, Erich loves getting engrossed in a great game, book, or movie.