Below are photos our reporters captured out in the field on election day.

Outside the polling place at the Newtown Fire Assoicaition in the borough.
Credit: Ingrid Sofield/
Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/
Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

At the Newtown VFW Hall.
Credit: Ingrid Sofield/
Voters lined up outside the Newtown Grant Recreation Center.
Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/
Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

A crowd is present waiting to vote outside Sol Feinstone Elmentary School.
Credit: Ingrid Sofield/
Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Voterrs waiting in line outside the Newtown Township building Tuesday evening.
Credit: Tom Sofield/

Credit: Tom Sofield/

Congressman-elect Brian Fitzpatrick announcing his win in Doylestown.
Credit: Erich Martin/

Credit: Erich Martin/

Credit: Erich Martin/

Credit: Amanda Burg/

Credit: Amanda Burg/

Credit: Amanda Burg/