Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick with his parents and House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday.
Credit: Office Of Congressman Fitzpatrick
It’s been a busy first few days of work for Republican Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick.
On Thursday, Fitzpatrick’s office announced he is creating the Congressional Citizen Legislature Caucus, a group that will be dedicated to “bipartisan reform and anti-corruption efforts.” According to a statement, Fitzpatrick would be chairman of the caucus.
The announcement is on the heels of Fitzpatrick, a former FBI supervisory special agent who led a political corruption unit, introducing a package of anti-corruption legislation shortly after being sworn in on Tuesday. The proposals including adding congressional term limits, non-partisan redistricting and adding a balanced budget amendment.
“Our Founders never envisioned a career political class or a system that does more to preserve the status quo than solving our most pressing challenges. As a former anti-corruption FBI agent and a political outsider, I’ve seen the brokenness in our system and the time is now to fix it,” said Fitzpatrick. “The Congressional Citizen Legislature Caucus will serve as a forum for members of any political stripe to debate, craft and advance common sense legislation that reforms our government and begins to restore faith in our leaders and institutions. Washington needs fewer politicians and more independent voices focused on serving the American people; this caucus is how we will do it.”
Fitzpatrick also has joined the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus and the Climate Solutions Caucus, which aims to address impacts and causes relating to climate change.