Cars pay their toll at the Neshaminy Falls Turnpike interchange in Bensalem.
Credit: PA Internet News Service
LevittownNow.com and NewtownPANow.com are working with TMA Bucks and the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission on the Air Quality Partnership program in Bucks County to educate businesses, governments, and citizens on steps to take to reduce smog-forming pollutants.
As warmer weather approaches, so does the onset of ground-level ozone. High levels of ozone pose health risks for everyone, and large segments of the population are considered especially sensitive to air pollution. Fortunately, ozone levels are being monitored and the public can be alerted when levels become unhealthy. The Air Quality Partnership (AQP), a program of the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, educates residents about the dangerous effects of ground-level ozone and provides air quality forecasts to the public.
“This is incredibly important because Bucks County is in non-attainment for federal air quality standards,” explained TMA Bucks acting executive director Steve Noll. “This means that air pollution levels in the region persistently exceed the standards.”
LevittownNow.com and NewtownPANow.com, Lower Bucks County’s only locally-owned, online daily news publications, reaches more than 180,000 area residents and will share Air Quality Action Day Alerts on its social media platforms.
“We’re proud to support this program that aims to make the air cleaner in Bucks County, and we hope our fellow local businesses join in,” LevittownNow.com and NewtownPANow.com Publisher Tom Sofield said.
TMA Bucks is looking for businesses and organizations in Bucks County that want to become Air Quality partners to share with employees or residents tips to reduce air pollution and protect their health from air pollution. Businesses and organizations interested in learning more about becoming a TMA Bucks Air Quality partner can go to tmabucks.com, click on resources and then the air quality tab. There is no cost to participate and all materials are supplied to you. The TMA simply asks that your organization:
- Appoint an individual to receive daily air quality forecasts via e-mail
- Alert employees/residents when air quality is forecast to be unhealthy (Air Quality Action Days)
- Share with employees/residents tips to reduce air pollution and protect their health from air pollution
Some tips and actions to protect air quality and to reduce air pollution include:
- Take transit like SEPTA or carpool.
- Don’t top off your gas tank. Spillage adds two tons of pollution to the air each day.
- Refuel your vehicle in the evening.. Ozone levels are highest in mid- to late-afternoon.
- Combine errands and other trips with your daily commute to save time, money, and the environment.
- Maintain your car! A properly running vehicle emits less pollution and saves gas. You can improve gas mileage up to 3% by properly inflating your tires. You can also improve gas mileage by as much as 1 to 2 percent by getting regular oil changes.
For more information about ozone, particle pollution, and the Air Quality Partnership, visit airqualitypartnership.org or tmabucks.com.