The following was provided courtesy of the Newtown Township Police Department.
Newtown Township

May 31
Fallen Tree
At 12:30 a.m., police were dispatched to the area of the Newtown Bypass and Route 532 for the report of a fallen tree blocking the roadway. Patrol responded and located the tree in the southbound lane of Buck Road in between Mill Pond Road and the Newtown Bypass. An officer set up safety traffic cones and flares while PennDOT was notified. A crew responded and cleared the roadway without further incident.
Suspicious Person
Police were dispatched to a Sequoia Drive residence at 1:30 p.m. to meet with the complainant who’d felt uncomfortable after letting a male from ADT into his home to discuss security cameras. Police met with the complainant who explained that he allowed the male inside of his home, discussed his current security system, and then asked the male to leave. The male had left without any problems twenty minutes prior to the complainant calling the police. Police searched the area, and did not find the male. Police advised the complainant to contact ADT to verify the male’s information.
Noise Complaint
Around 8:30 p.m., patrol responded to Eagle Road for a loud music noise complaint. The area was searched, and officers were unable to hear any loud music. Police made contact with a homeowner who explained that they were playing music earlier, but had stopped since. Patrol was resumed.
Police were dispatched to a Justice Drive residence at approximately 11:15 p.m. for the report of a suspicious silver Hyundai. According to the complainant, the Hyundai was blocking his driveway when he arrived home. He approached the driver, and she sped off, ignoring him. He suspected the driver was intoxicated and called it in. Police searched the surrounding area, but were unable to find a matching vehicle. Everything appeared normal in the area.
June 1
Suspicious Persons
At 3 a.m., police were dispatched to KVK Tech, located at 100 Campus Drive, for a report of three people loitering in the parking lot. Police responded and searched the area with negative results.
Theft From Vehicle
Around 6:45 p.m., a Taylor Avenue resident responded to headquarters to report that her credit cards were stolen from her vehicle early that morning. She explained that her vehicle had been unlocked and parked in her driveway. The investigation is ongoing at this time.
Noise Complaint
Shortly before 9:15 p.m., police were advised of fireworks in the area of Braeburn Lane and Harvest Mews. It was reported that somebody was possibly having a party and setting off fireworks in the area. Upon arrival, police did not observe any fireworks being set off, and all was quiet.
June 2
Underage Drinking
Police were patrolling the area of Durham Road and Chatham Place when they noticed a suspicious group of individuals at approximately 11 p.m. The group scattered, and various individuals ran into the woods as the police approached. Police searched the area and were able to locate two of the individuals. Upon contact, the officer detected the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage. They were identified as 18-year-old females and were issued citations for underage drinking. With assistance from the Newtown Borough Police Department, police continued to search the area for the remaining individuals with negative results.
June 3
Suspicious Persons
Just after 11:30 a.m., a Sebelius Road resident contacted police to report that an elderly man with a white beard, driving a red SUV, suspiciously drove on to her property and around her house. When the complainant approached the vehicle, the operator waved and drove away. The complainant was unable to report the license plate of the vehicle. Police searched the area for a vehicle matching the description, but the vehicle was not found.
Counterfeit Inspection Stickers
At 1:30 p.m., Vince’s Auto Repair contacted police to report counterfeit inspection stickers on the windshield of a vehicle. The stickers were secured for police to confiscate, and the investigation is ongoing.
Suspicious Vehicle
Police responded at approximately 10 p.m. for the report of a suspicious vehicle at the Worthington Mill Road and Swamp Road intersection. The complainant reported that when her daughter drove up to the intersection, a female in her 60’s exited a black SUV and approached her. The female requested to borrow a cell phone, and starting screaming when the daughter did not comply. Police searched the area, but the SUV was gone on arrival.
June 4
Suspicious Packages
At 4 p.m., a Delaware Court resident contacted police to report suspicious circumstances. According to the complainant, FedEx delivered four boxes from Verizon Wireless to his address in his name. However, the complainant stated that he did not order anything. The complainant checked his credit card statements and other accounts, and no unauthorized charges were found. When the complainant contacted Verizon Wireless, it was determined that an account had been opened, matching his name and address, and that iPhones were purchased. A police report was made for the complainant to dispute the matter with Verizon Wireless.
June 5
Theft From Vehicle
Around 8:45 p.m., a Taylor Avenue resident reported an overnight theft from their unlocked vehicle. The victim explained that his sunglasses had been stolen, valued at approximately $150.
June 6
Found Property
At approximately 10:10 a.m., police were informed that a citizen found a wallet at Chic-Fil-A and turned in at Newtown Borough. A Newtown Township officer responded to that location and took possession of the property and returned it to the proper person within Newtown Township.