A number of older COVID-19 cases have thrown off the local count, according to Bucks County officials.
On Wednesday night, the Bucks County Health Department reported 51 new cases that day but noted 17 were “delayed transfer” cases out of Philadelphia. Of those old transfer cases, which were Bucks County residents tested and confirmed positive in the city, all were so delayed that they were no longer considered active cases.
The county reported 34 new COVID-19 cases on Monday and Tuesday.
Looking at the total of 51 reported new cases on Wednesday, 12 were from household contacts, nine were residents of long-term care facilities, six were spread at healthcare sites, four were through essential work contacts, four resulted from community spread, and the majority of transfer cases were unable to be reached by contact trackers.
The county reported five new deaths over the days. Two happened two weeks ago. All five deaths happened among people age 65 or older with underlying health conditions. The five were all residents of long-term care facilities.
Since the pandemic began, the county has reported 4,873 confirmed cases, 465 deaths, and 1,704 recoveries.