One of the families involved in the George Floyd flyer incident that took place in Newtown Borough on Monday received a “glitter device” that has drawn the attention of law enforcement.
Newtown Township police were dispatched to a residential street around 2 p.m. Friday for a report of a “suspicious device” that was delivered by FedEx. The name of the street was not released.
The owner of the residence, who was involved in the Monday incident that drew viral attention and summary charges against 63-year-old Vincent Lewis, reported receiving an unknown package that “appeared suspicious,” police said.
Before officers were called, the owner removed the package and opened it on the sidewalk outside of the home. At that time, the package detonated and glitter flew out, police said.
Glitter devices are often sold online and often used for fun personal messages but can also be sent to annoy.
Police said the device did not cause injuries.
In their statement, police did not state which party involved in Monday’s incident received the package, but it indicated that one of the two parties were targeted. Lewis is known to live in Newtown Township, but the town of residence of the young man and woman also involved were not known.
“The particular package delivered to the residence had a personalized message which indicated a close relationship to the initial incident, which placed the residents in fear for their safety,” police said.
The FBI has joined the investigation by Newtown Township police and the Bucks County District Attorney’s Office.
“Fear and Intimidation has no place within the community of Newtown Township and a thorough and complete investigation will be undertaken to attempt to identify and arrest the offenders of this situation,” police said.
Anyone with information on the incident can submit a tip via CrimeWatch or call 215-579-1000 to speak with detectives.