The Comedy Works Bristol (located inside Georgine’s Restaurant, 1320 Newport Rd., Bristol, Pa) presents Weekend Comedy Shows on Friday, June 23 and Saturday, June 24, 2023. Both shows start at 8 PM. The show will headline Comedian Terry McNeely in an exclusive Comedy event with Jay Cristopher aka “Fat Jay” and Joe Winchell.
Terry, a Long Island native, is a comedian and actor. He could easily earn the title “Crass Critic to the Suburban World.” His appearances include The Daily Show, CBS’ Blue Bloods, Comedy Central, The Anthony Cumia Show & TLC.
Terry is the ultimate “Road” Comedian traveling up and down the East coast, and venturing out into the Midwest playing Comedy Clubs big and small. He pokes fun at “Counter Culture” and centers around the things that have changed since he played outside growing up in suburbia. It’s certainly no surprise that the acid humor and brutal “truth” of Terry McNeely has him being a crass critic to the suburban world. It’s all fair game when Terry takes the stage.
“Fat Jay” has been appearing throughout New York and New Jersey since he started Comedy Stand-up 6 years ago and has never taken home a “Doggie Bag” from any restaurant he’s eaten at. In fact he has never had to wash a dish after a meal!
According to Jay, “I’m just a fat guy living in a skinny world. So you know Blimpin’ Ain’t Easy. Let’s make the world fat people friendly one laugh at a time.”
“Fat Jay” has been seen on the cooking show “Chewing The Fat” and has appeared at “Governors Comedy”, “The Comedy Cove” and was voted “Long Island’ Best New Comic”. Come find out why “Fat Lives Matter” #fatlivesmatter #blimpinainteasy.
Also on the show is Joe Winchell who will host and MC.
You never know who is going to show up to do a guest set and work out new material. The Comedy Works Bristol is the perfect place for Stand-up Comedy with over 40 years of history in the Philadelphia area. Unlike many of the Comedy Clubs in the area, we feature great Comedy with NO drink minimums, FREE Parking and tableside wait staff service.
Tickets are limited and seating is still socially distanced to keep our audience, performers and staff safe. The doors will be open at 7:15 PM with great food (small plate fare) or drinks available before or during the show at reasonable prices. (additional cost)Tickets for this special night of Comedy can be pre-purchased ON-LINE for $35 for one ticket that admits two people. Tickets are $20.00 for each person at the door. 215-741-1661.