There’s going to be a new sheriff in town.
Retired Upper Southampton police Officer Milt Warrell, who currently works part-time patrolling Langhorne Manor and operates a plumbing business, beat out incumbent Sheriff Edward “Duke” Donnelly. Warrell is a Democrat and Donnelly is a Republican.
Democratic and Republican politicos in the county have whispered for weeks that Warrell could oust Donnelly, who has been the sheriff for roughly 15 years and previously was chief of police in Lower Southampton.
Donnelly’s oversight of the sheriff’s office was questioned by Warrell due to various scandals, investigations and other issues.
The outgoing sheriff oversaw the office as it was certified and also implemented a program where marked vehicles had his name painted on the side. In defense of the controversial move, Donnelly said his name was put on vehicles about a dozen years ago so residents knew who the sheriff was so they could contact him personally.
Warrell, who is known for his Falls Township Christmas light display, said he is going to work to help tackle the opioid epidemic and provide free firearms training course supported by the NRA for gun owners in the county, offer outreach programs for seniors and add mental health and wellness programs.