Students from Conwell-Egan Catholic High School were recognized during the 40th Annual Academic Honors Convocation at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul.
Students Seamus Smiley, Maria Michele DelPo, and Amber Stansfield were ranked in the top 3 percent of the senior class. They were honored at a ceremony at the Philadelphia cathedral that featured Archbishop Charles Chaput at the main celebrant.
“As the class of 2019 prepares for its future endeavors the Archdiocesan Academic Honors Convocation is an honored tradition that provides us, as administrators and teachers, with a moment to commend and recognize the incredible achievements these exceptional students have earned through the support of their loved ones, during their high school careers,” said Sister Maureen McDermott, superintendent of secondary schools for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
McDermott offered the students “prayerful best wishes for a successful, meaningful, and happy future.”