It’s about to get lighter earlier in the morning, and darkness will be arriving sooner in the evening.
Daylight saving time ends Sunday at 2 a.m. along the eastern seaboard. The change means a precious extra hour of sleep for just one glorious day.
The “fall back” to standard time also means fire officials are advising residents to change the batteries in their smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
“Smoke alarms are critical life-saving devices and are often homeowners’ first and only line of defense against house fires,” said Pennsylvania State Fire Commissioner Bruce Trego. “Having a functional smoke alarm is the simplest, most effective way to ensure one’s family has a warning should a house fire occur. Test your smoke alarms monthly and replace the batteries regularly.”
Trego added that smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors should be tested monthly.
NBC News reported that researchers have noted that switching to standard time for the colder months is better for human health.
“This is because it is closer to the time of our internal 24-hour master body clock and provides us with more early morning sunlight availability,” Mairav Cohen-Zion, clinical psychologist and chief science officer of Dayzz, told the outlet.
No matter how you slice it, enjoy your extra hour of sleep!