The Democratic primary election race for congress got a little more crowded on Saturday morning when Lower Makefield resident Steve Bacher announced his candidacy.
Bacher, a self-described lifetime progressive Democrat, announced his candidacy in the community room at the historic Temperance House in Newtown Borough as more than 50 people gathered to hear the announcement speech.
“I think it is appropriate that we are gathered in a place where colonists gathered to plan a new nation,” said Newtown Democratic activist Steve Cickay while introducing Bacher to the crowd.
Bacher has had been involved in public service as a career and in his volunteer efforts. These experiences have given Bacher the experience of seeing problems that plague real people from close up, he said.
“I have given my life to public service, and I think this is the year that pro-democracy democratic activist resistance will take back the House and Senate and save our nation from those that do not care about our shared values,” Bacher said. “We need strength, we need courage, we need persistence.”
In the last 10 years, Bacher has become involved in politics, beginning with knocking on doors for then-presidential candidate Barack Obama and former Eighth District Congressman Patrick Murphy. He has been active in protests for varying causes, including protection of the environment, he explained.

Steve Bacher speaking during an event outside Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick’s office in April.
Credit: Erich Martin/
Bacher also took a moment during his speech to bring up the current Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick, a Republican.
“We all know that Brian Fitzpatrick has betrayed us, whether we voted for him or not,” Bacher said to cheers.
The new candidate also seized the opportunity to take a shot at political opponents who lived outside of the district for a period of time before running.
Throughout the course of his announcement, Bacher touched on important policy positions and his top priorities. Health insurance for all, jobs jobs that pay a fair wage and climate change are Bacher’s biggest priorities moving forward if he could only choose three, he explained.
“I’ve been exposed to all of these challenges that people have in our country,” Bacher said after the speech. These experiences have have shaped the way Bacher views the world and his potential duty as a public servant.
“All of that has informed my understanding of where I would like to see the nation go,” he explained.
While discussing the opioid epidemic in the district, Bacher acknowledged the good Fitzpatrick has done by raising awareness. The budget put forth by congress, however, does more harm in cuts than the awareness campaign can do good, he said.
“This is the year that we lay the foundation to take back the white house in 2020,” Bacher said during his speech.
Bacher will be running in the Democratic primary race against Bedminster Township Navy veteran Rachel Reddick. Reddick announced her candidacy for the Democratic ticket last year and has been making the rounds throughout the county.