Arts & Entertainment Neighbors Schools

Local Students Create Stunning Art Work For Display

Art by Elena Miller and Isabella Cacciatore Credit: Bonnie Porter

Art by Elena Miller and Isabella Cacciatore
Credit: Bonnie Porter

A number of local students’ art work are on display at the Countryside Gallery and Custom Frame Design in Newtown through the beginning of June.

Bonnie Porter, a local artist who instructs and guides students ages 8 to 18, said students were able to pick one piece of work to display at Countryside Gallery and Custom Frame Design on South State Street. Porter helps the gallery host the annual Student Art Show.

“I made this pastel drawing because I really love to play softball.  A fun fact about this piece of artwork is that I used artistic license to make the bat in the picture the color of my own bat,” said Elena Miller, a sixth grader whose work is on display.

Miller has loved art since she was little, and draws inspiration from things she enjoys doing, she said.

“I got involved in art from my art class in school. I liked all of the colors and how you could use your imagination to create anything you want,” seventh grader Isabella Cacciatore said, adding she gets inspiration from people and things she sees in real life.

In total, 14 Newtown and Yardley-area youths contributed work to the show.

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

Credit: Ingrid Sofield/

About the author

Erich Martin & Ingrid Sofield