As part of measures to limit the spread of COVID-19, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission has moved not to accept cash or credit cards at any tolled interchange across the state beginning Monday at 8 p.m.
“This is a temporary safety measure to keep travelers moving with no need to stop at tollbooths or interact with tolling personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic,” officials said in a statement.
The Turnpike said all tolls will be processed by E-ZPass or the Turnpike Toll By Plate program as vehicles pass through tolling locations at posted speed limits.
“Customers who do not have an E-ZPass account should continue to use lanes marked ‘tickets’ on entry and ‘cash’ on exit, however they should keep moving through the lane at the posted speed without stopping. Instead of paying their toll on the roadway, they will receive a PA Turnpike TOLL BY PLATE invoice through the mail,” Turnpike officials said.
Drivers have 20 days to pay invoices before a second invoice is issued. Those who do not after the first invoice will received the second with an additional fee of $5 or the equivalent of 1.5 percent of the total amount owed, whichever is higher.
The Turnpike has already limited amenities at some service plazas.
The Turnpike plans to move to permanent cashless tolling by the end of 2021.