On Monday, Bucks County passed 5,000 COVID-19 cases since the pandemic started in locally in March.
The 36 COVID-19 cases that pushed the total across the 5,000 mark were reported Sunday and Monday. The two-day average for the two days was 18, much lower than just a few weeks ago, county officials said.
Breaking down the 36 new cases, 14 were due to household contacts, eight were residents of long-term care centers, three were caught through work contacts, three were due to community spread, two were caught through health care settings, and six were unable to be interviewed by contact tracers.
Nine of the COVID-19 cases reported over the two days were delayed transfers from outside the county. The cases were so long ago that they are no longer considered active infections.
County health officials have long said that the COVID-19 case count is much higher, but those with less-serious infections were not tested, especially early on, and not included in the numbers.
The county reported four new deaths of three men and one woman. They ranged in age from 64 to 95 and all had underlying conditions. Only one person resided in a long-term care facility.
As of Monday night, 93 Bucks Countians were in hospitals and 17 were in critical condition on ventilators.
So far, 5,007 confirmed cases, 475 deaths, and 1,948 recoveries have been reported in Bucks County since the pandemic began.