Cops, Courts and Fire

Police To Step Up DUI Patrols Over Labor Day Weekend

Troopers and local officers will be on the look out.

File photo.
Credit: Tom Sofield/

State and local law enforcement in the region will ramp up their presence on the roads for the Labor Day holiday weekend.

Police will be focusing on identifying and arresting impaired drivers.

From Friday through 11:59 p.m. on Labor Day, authorities will zero in on drivers showing signs of impairment. Drivers with a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of .08 or above will face arrest.

Pennsylvania State Police Troop M, responsible for overseeing Bucks, Lehigh, and Northampton counties, is deploying specialized troopers trained in spotting intoxicated drivers.

In addition to DUI enforcement, troopers will monitor speeding, texting while driving, seat belt violations, and child restraint infractions, troopers said.

During the previous Labor Day enforcement period in Troop M’s jurisdiction, 45 crashes were recorded and 29 DUI arrests were made.

PennDOT, state police, the Pennsylvania DUI Association, and AAA Mid-Atlantic recently collaborated on an event emphasizing the significance of safe driving.

Five years ago, Deana Eckman tragically lost her life to a drunk driver on his sixth DUI offense. Her grieving parents, Roseann and Richard DeRosa, committed themselves to legal reform to prevent such tragedies in the future.

The family’s efforts culminated in “Deana’s Law,” a piece of legislation that mandates stiffer penalties for recurrent DUI offenses. The law enforces consecutive sentences for those convicted of a third or subsequent DUI and heightens jail terms.

“There are no words strong enough to describe the pain of losing your child,” Roseann DeRosa said. “Deana’s death has left a wound in our lives that will never fully heal. What happened to her and our family could have happened to anyone. We are incredibly grateful that Deana’s memory will better protect Pennsylvanians from those who repeatedly and wantonly drive under the influence.”

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