Provided by the County of Bucks:

The County of Bucks has extended its temporary burn ban through mid-December.
The ban, which has been in effect since Oct. 27, prohibits open fires, including the incineration of garbage, leaves, grass, twigs, litter, paper and other materials whether in burn barrels, fire rings or on the ground. The extended ban now also includes the use of fireworks.
Initially approved for 30 days, the Bucks County Commissioners on Wednesday passed a 15-day ban extension.
This ban does not prohibit the use of propane or gas stoves, charcoal briquet grills, or the use of tobacco in any form. Campfires in campgrounds are allowed in fire rings that confine and contain the campfire, and where all flammable materials have been removed for a radius of 5 feet.
The temporary ban was passed at the urging of top municipal fire officials from throughout Bucks County who requested the measure in response to the extended period of dry conditions affecting the area since late summer.
Under state law, a violation of this ban is a summary offense punishable by fines starting at $100 for a first offense.

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